Mystery Of Henri Pick, The DVD


4 in stock

Category: SKU: V210-2611569


Based on David Foenkinoss 2016 book of the same name, The Mystery of Henri Pick revolves around the films enigmatic title character who, two years after his death, has his name sprawled across the covers of a celebrated novel, The Last Hours of a Love Story. However, not everyone is convinced of the authors authenticity of this overnight sensation. Amongst the cynics is influential literary critic Jean-Michel Rouche (Fabrice Luchini) who sets out to discover the truth behind Pick and the book that bears his name. Camille Cottin co-stars as Josphine Pick, daughter of the mysterious author, who reluctantly assists Rouche in navigating the secretive Breton landscape.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 30 × 15 × 5 cm